
Right Handed Correction Guide

Left Handed Correction Guide
Something useful to tuck into the range bag, courtesy of the US Army Marksmanship Unit.
Get the PDF HERE.
Also, be sure to check out the Pistol Marksmanship Training Guide published by the Army Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning, Georgia. It is an excellent source of information.
Get the PDF HERE.
[…] Here’s some real ones. […]
Wow, I’ve been needing some materials exactly like these for some time now. Thanks for making it easy to find!
[…] Spuler, over at the Guns and Ammo blog, has posted a set of marksmanship guides, to help diagnose trigger control problems. Just take […]
Can you explain the low middle to me? These are problems I’m not sure how to diagnose. I suppose I understand the “breaking wrist down” part but the other two, pushing forward and drooping head… explain to me what students are doing/look like etc when they do either of those things. Thanks so much btw for the great idea on printing this out and laminating it for the range bag. Great stuff!
Pushing forwards means that you are anticipating recoil and pushing the gun forwards as you shoot to combat anticipated recoil. I could be wrong on that one, but that what it means to me.
Drooping your head is where your head is slouching on your shoulders, thus giving an inconsistent sight picture.
Thanks Aaron!