Tell ‘Em Larry

By Aaron Spuler | September 18, 2024 |

So… you want to come into my house to check on my guns…How about no?And here is my counteroffer. Go fuck yourself.— Larry Correia (@monsterhunter45) September 18, 2024

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By Aaron Spuler | September 11, 2024 | Comments Off on 9/11
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NEW ATF Rule: You Can Go To Jail For Selling A Gun AT Your Local Store With A Background Check

By Aaron Spuler | September 9, 2024 | Comments Off on NEW ATF Rule: You Can Go To Jail For Selling A Gun AT Your Local Store With A Background Check

Private firearm sales (without background checks) are legal for long guns in 42 states and for handguns in 32 states—even using data from the Giffords law center. Representatives of Americans living in states with Universal Background Checks might imagine that their constituents are therefore unaffected by the ATF’s new rule. Unfortunately, the ATF’s new rule…

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Breaking Now: Federal Court Rules Machine Guns Are Protected By 2A

By Aaron Spuler | August 23, 2024 | Comments Off on Breaking Now: Federal Court Rules Machine Guns Are Protected By 2A
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Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Using Once Fired Brass And New Brass For Reloading

By Aaron Spuler | July 29, 2024 |

Have you ever wondered which is better for reloading – once fired brass or new brass? Each option has its own set of pros and cons. Once fired brass is often cheaper and widely available. It can also save you money over time. However, it may not always match the precision of new brass. On…

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The Essential Gear For A Safe And Successful Hunting Trip

By Aaron Spuler | July 8, 2024 | Comments Off on The Essential Gear For A Safe And Successful Hunting Trip

According to the most recent U.S. Hunting and Fishing Participation survey performed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, more people are hunting now than ever before. This survey found that 14.4 million Americans over the age of 6 hunt each year, which is about 25% higher than it was in 2016 when the last…

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By Aaron Spuler | July 4, 2024 |

July 4, 1776 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent…

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10 Months To 1 Day

By Aaron Spuler | July 3, 2024 | Comments Off on 10 Months To 1 Day

During their daily staff reports in March, employees at Silencer Central headquarters noticed something very strange. New customer orders looked normal. Suppressor shipments were on track. But the customers whose applications had been approved by the ATF? Those had skyrocketed. “We started getting quick approvals. Uncharacteristically quick,” says Brandon Maddox, founder and CEO of Silencer…

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The Art Of Gun Maintenance: Keeping Your Firearms In Top Condition

By Aaron Spuler | July 1, 2024 | Comments Off on The Art Of Gun Maintenance: Keeping Your Firearms In Top Condition

If not maintained properly, the expensive firearm with all the upgrades and attachments is essentially useless, making firearm maintenance one of the most important aspects of being a marksman. Proper gun maintenance is both a skill and a science that encompasses a variety of practices, from routine cleaning to careful inspection and storage. Here, we…

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Expert Tips For Selecting The Best Caliber For Boar Hunting

By Aaron Spuler | June 24, 2024 | Comments Off on Expert Tips For Selecting The Best Caliber For Boar Hunting

When choosing the best caliber for boar hunting, it is crucial to consider factors that ensure an ethical and effective hunt. Hunters must prioritize calibers that provide adequate stopping power to take down the boar quickly. The caliber must also offer good accuracy, manageable recoil, and affordable ammunition. In this guide, we will discuss some…

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2023 Texas Gun Legislation

Legislation affecting gun rights in the 2023 session.
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