Constitutional Carry Bill Will Not Be Heard In Texas Senate Thanks To Open Carry Activists
A Texas Senate committee will hold the first public hearings on open carry and campus carry legislation on Thursday, but thanks to the antics of attention-starved Open Carry Tarrant County (OCTC) and their leader, cop-hating anarchist Kory Watkins, a bill arguing for constitutional carry—carrying openly or concealed without a permit—won’t even be heard.
The legislative session’s first public hearings on two high-profile gun bills — open carry and campus carry — will be held Thursday before the Senate State Affairs Committee.
The hearing will not include a bill by Sen. Don Huffines, R-Dallas, on so-called constitutional carry, which would allow any legal owner of a handgun to openly carry his or her firearm without the need of a concealed handgun permit.
Proponents of constitutional carry suffered a setback last week when Kory Watkins of Open Carry Tarrant County posted a Facebook video in which he equated opposition to constitutional carry to treason, a crime that he said is punishable by death. Although Watkins later said he did not intend to threaten lawmakers, the ominous tone of his message drew sharp criticism from other open-carry advocates.
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No, it won’t be heard because the politicians don’t give a damn about our rights. OCTC is nothing more tan a convenient scapegoat.
It is so easy to put the blame on one moron, or a group of morons. The real blame here is with the law mackers themselves.